Pat is a professional artist based in Southwestern Utah. As the owner of a creative agency, you can find Pat making videos for YouTube in his hometown. He likes to be involved with the community and finds joy in making simple things interesting. Pat is fascinated with stories.
VISIT PAT'S YOUTUBEPat is an experienced entrepreneur who has started multiple businesses across several different inudstries, including: dog bakery, equipment rental and construction. His latest venture is a solo effort as the owner of a local creative agency.
VISIT DOUBLEYOU MEDIAPat has professional experience as a programmer and web developer (he designed and built this site!) with projects in C#, Python and Javascript. This includes developing a custom chat bot for his Twitch streams, BotDoubleYou!
Pat loves to tell stories. Anything can be made interesting through good technique and Pat strives to find entertaining bits of life every day to capture that feeling of being human. Mindfulness and being present are key to observing the world through this lens.